Lithuania: A battle of artists and songs continues
Vilnius, Lithuania - For those who were following LRT’s Eurovision marathon from the very beginning, TV show “Eurovizijos” and its sixth edition, got a completely new dimension tonight! Some of the competing songs were finally performed and a battle of artists has continued. The outcome of tonight’s show: 7 finalists and 8 competing songs presented.
After the Second Round ended last Saturday (11th of January), the audience in Lithuania could finally hear 16 competing songs and vote for their favourite tracks on LRT’s official website (
Tonight, in the Round Three, eight finalists performed half of the songs (8 out of 16) and the jury (Lithuanian and international) evaluated their performances. However, TV viewers across the country could vote as well and support their favourite singers, like in the previous shows. After all votes have been merged, 7 artists qualified for the next show and the first 8 out of 16 songs presented.

Tonight, in the Round Three, eight finalists performed half of the songs (8 out of 16) and the jury (Lithuanian and international) evaluated their performances. However, TV viewers across the country could vote as well and support their favourite singers, like in the previous shows. After all votes have been merged, 7 artists qualified for the next show and the first 8 out of 16 songs presented.
- Vilija Matačiūnaitė
- Mia
- Ieva Zasimauskaitė
- Vaidas Baumila
- Monika Linkytė
- VIG Roses
- Martynas Kavaliauskas
8 out of 16 competing songs performed
Previously in the show, TV audience in Lithuania and across Europe enjoyed following performances:- Mia “Take A Look At Me Now”
- Vilija Matačiūnaitė “Attention”
- Martynas Kavaliauskas “It’s Not Too Late”
- Ieva Zasimauskaitė “One”
- Vaidas Baumila “Dying”
- Monika Linkytė “Breakaway”
- Justinas Lapatinskas “Last Date”
- VIG Roses “In The Rain”
Lithuanian jury with a different cast
Not only that we heard some of the competing songs, being performed for the first time tonight, the Round Three brought us the Lithuanian jury with a different cast too. The members of Lithuanian panel in the Show #6 were: Vytenis Pauliukaitis, Darius Užkuraitis, Edmundas Seilius and Ramūnas Zilnys. Nevertheless, the international one was still consisted of three music professionals from Germany, Sweden and Russia (Brandon Stone, Liselott Bjork and Valerij Prosirov).
The next show is scheduled for the 25th of January (20:00 CET). So in less then a week, we will enjoy in another two-hour TV show with seven finalists performing the rest of the songs. From show to show, there will be less qualifiers and the final decision about the artist who is going to represent Lithuania at Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Denmark is going to be made on 15th of February.
All the shows have a webcast, so even if you are living outside of Lithuania, you can still follow LRT’s Eurovision marathon on the Internet.
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