sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

First sneak peek of Eurovision 2014 graphics

First sneak peek of Eurovision 2014 graphics

First sneak peek of Eurovision 2014 graphics
Part of the show graphics for Copenhagen. Copyright: DR/EBU
Copenhagen, Denmark - Today, the very first sneak peek of the TV graphics of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest was revealed by DR, the Host Broadcaster.
"It is not the finished theme art, but a preview of the graphics that includes some of the important elements that we work with," explains the Show Producer at DR, Jan Lagermand Lundme.
"The idea is that the graphic to support our slogan # JoinUs. And this slogan with a hashtag in front is at the centre of the graphics, which has red, blue and purple elements and has a diamond-like shape." he adds.
Every year, the Host Broadcaster of the Eurovision Song Contest is encouraged by the EBU to come up with a theme art specific for the events, in addition to the official Eurovision Song Contest.

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